YOUR donations mean the world to us
Your donations help bring agriculture into classrooms across the country!
Your donations help bring agriculture into classrooms across the country!
One special project your donations help fund is the White-Reinhardt scholarship program. The White-Reinhardt Fund funds scholarships to the National Ag in the Classroom Conference for educators and volunteers that actively participate in ag literacy programs. The scholarship covers travel expenses for the teacher or volunteer so these attendees can gain valuable information to further increase their outreach to students regarding food, fiber and fuel.

Because of YOUR donations, 11 teachers and classroom volunteers were able to attend the 2016 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference in Arizona. One of these lucky teachers was Marissa Morris, a teacher at Service Valley Charter Academy in Kansas. While at the conference, Marissa discovered a plethora of new accurate ag books she can use with her students. She also got ideas on how to connect her students with local agriculture.
Marissa puts it best saying, “The 2016 National Ag in The Classroom conference changed my life. I’ve been teaching at an Agricultural charter for two years now, and I thought I was doing well at it. I incorporated ag where I thought I could, and I thought that was enough. After attending this conference, I know I can do better. I will be a better teacher because of NAITC.”

Because of your donations, Marissa was able to learn valuable skills to be able to show her students first-hand where their food comes from.
Please consider donating to the White-Reinhardt fund so we can support future efforts to educate America’s youth on agriculture. 2016 is coming to an end so it is the perfect time for a tax-deductible gift!