Education | Sep 14, 2016

Your Donations Matter!

Educators, students and volunteers benefit from your generosity EVERY DAY!

Thankyou image

We thought we would highlight just a few of the things your donations have supported this year!

1. Thanks to you 10 educators learned how to engage students in learning about where their food comes from.

National Ag in the Classroom Conference, AZ June 2016

2. Because of your generosity, 9,000 students learned about: animal agriculture, agriculture & DNA, the importance of ag in our daily lives

US Science & Engineering Festival, D.C.

3. Carrie Smith's 3rd grade class got a visit from Miss America for winning the First Peas to the Table contest! Your support helped these students learn about healthy eating and the importance of soil, water, and light. 

Cason Lane Academy, Murfreesboro,TN

4. Our White-Reinhardt Mini-Grant Winner Mrs. Woodbury had her 1st grade class send us this wonderful thank you note after your generous donations helped her class learn about wheat. 

Williamsburg Elementary, KS 

These are just some examples of the amazing ways you are supporting agricultural literacy across the country.

You are awesome! Thank you! 

Keep being awesome! Become a Foundation Seed Sower by supporting the Foundation with a monthly donation. 

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Apply for a 2025 Nationwide Educator Resource Grant!