Education | Nov 15, 2016

YOUR donations make a difference

We are so grateful for all of the generous donations we get from people like YOU! One special project your donations help fund is the White-Reinhardt mini-grant program. The White-Reinhardt Fund funds projects that will increase agricultural literacy for students in grades K-12.

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We are so grateful for all of the generous donations we get from people like YOU!

One special project your donations help fund is the White-Reinhardt mini-grant program. The White-Reinhardt Fund funds projects that will increase agricultural literacy for students in grades K-12. 

In Franklin County Kansas, Williamsburg Elementary used their mini-grant to plant and harvest wheat! With the help of teachers and community volunteers, students prepared the soil for planting, planted wheat seeds, and waited and watched patiently as their wheat grew!  

Eventually, with the help of Williamsburg COOP and K-State Extension Farm, the students were even able to use flour from their wheat to make soft pretzels- YUM! The students of Williamsburg Elementary got a hands-on experience in learning where their food comes from and how hard farmers work for us every day.

Because of your generosity, these students got to see first-hand where their food comes from. 

Please consider donating to the White-Reinhardt fund so we can support future efforts to educate America’s youth on agriculture. 2016 is coming to an end so it is the perfect time for a tax-deductible gift!  

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