Education | Aug 23, 2016

Where do your back to school supplies come from?

Pencils, glue, crayons and more! Do you know where they come from?

Education 908512 1920

1. Pencils

These back to school essentials are made from wood – most likely California cedar which doesn’t warp or lose its shape.

Lumber is an agricultural product! Learn about how pencils are made.

2. Jeans

What would a new school year be without some new clothes? Jeans are made from cotton.

Learn how cotton turns into jeans here.

3. Glue

Essential for many craft projects, glue contains beef byproducts.  

Learn about beef.

4. Crayons

Some crayons are made with soybeans! What other items have soybeans in them?

Try to find some of these other uses for soybeans! 

5. Paper

Paper is a school staple! Paper is also made from wood! See how paper is made here!

Or learn about lumber here! 

Bonus:  Sweaters

If you have a uniform, or maybe just a mom who insists you stay warm, you might also be wearing a wool sweater this school season! Learn more about wool in our Sheep Ag Mag!

What’s on your back to school list? Where did it come from? Chances are it started on a farm! Remember, Ag is everywhere!

Looking for ways to incorporate ag each month into your classroom? Check out Farm a Month!

Post inspired by a Back to School Poster from the Missouri Ag in the Classroom

For more Back to School Ag related items check out Illinois Ag in the Classroom Video

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