Opportunities | Mar 31, 2019

What do your donations do?

As a donor you generously send in hard earned dollars and then what?

Knowledge bloom image

As a donor you generously send in hard earned dollars and then what?

Knowledge BLOOMS!

In 2018 your donations:

  • Helped us reach 12,000 students from urban school districts at the 2018 USA Science & Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C., teaching them about where their food comes from.
  • Financed 17 White-Reinhardt mini-grants, $1000 grants to fund projects that increase agricultural literacy across the U.S.
  • Allowed us to create more free resources like "Food and Farm Facts Junior," "My Little Ag Me" printable books, and "Extreme Heat: Heat Waves, Drought and Agriculture" in partnership with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 
  • Supported My American Farm, which reached 1.9 million people in 2018 and Purple Plow, which reached 919,000 people in 2018.
  • Helped Feeding Minds Press launch its first book, "Right This Very Minute".
  • Funded scholarships for 10 educators to attend the 2018 National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference in Portland, Maine.

"I am so grateful for the White-Reinhardt scholarship and the opportunity to attend the NAITC conference in Portland, Maine. I learned so much… It left me knowing that it’s critically important to educate the next generation on the importance of agriculture." - Karen Parrino, a scholarship winner

See our 2018 Annual Report for even more results!

What’s next?

  • Launching the next accurate ag book through Feeding Minds Press.
  • Creating even MORE free easy to use resources for educators and volunteers to educate about agriculture.
  • Attending the American Library Association's Annual Conference to help ensure accurate ag books make it into libraries across the country.
  • And so much more!

Become a member of the Foundation Seed Sowers by signing up to make a monthly recurring donation and receive special recognition in our annual reports.

By donating YOU are investing in the future—future farmers, teachers, scientists who will have accurate knowledge about agriculture.

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Apply for a 2025 Nationwide Educator Resource Grant!