The Purple Plow Challenge
The purple what?

UPDATE! H2Grow Challenge now ready!
What is the Purple Plow Challenge?
The Purple Plow Challenge encourages middle school students to research scenarios related to food, hunger and sustainability and then make/ build their own prototypes to solve the defined problem. Resources provided for facilitators, students and volunteers are written by teachers, aligned to national learning standards and reviewed by industry experts.
We test piloted the challenge in 20 locations across the country. Here is what a few educators had to say about the experience:
"This pilot program is everything science is and should be: extremely challenging, fun, and relevant to today. I would highly recommend using this as an end of the year project.” - Pilot Teacher
“I had a student who was so excited when her plants broke the surface. She has taken great responsibility for her group’s aquaponics setup and is checking multiple times a day on her fish and plants. She can't wait to try the lettuce. She lives in an apartment in our VERY small town and has never grown anything from seed. When the first plant showed up she exclaimed, ‘I made something grow!!!!’“ - Pilot Teacher
Details for the first challenge will launch in January. Check out the Purple Plow Challenge Website for more information.
Purple Plow is a special project brought to you by the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA). The resources are made possible through the generous support of the title sponsor, Dupont Pioneer.