Thanks for Participating in #ReadAgBooks18!
National Read a Book Day was on September 6 and all across the country people read accurate ag books!

National Read a Book Day was on September 6 and all across the country people read accurate ag books!
National Read a Book Day occurs every September 6 and this year we encouraged volunteers and teachers to pick an accurate ag book to share with a classroom. This is an easy and fun way to bring agriculture into a classroom, so you can do this on any day– not just on National Read a Book Day!
At the American Farm Bureau Federation office, the staff celebrated with some of our favorite accurate ag books.

President Duvall even got in on all the fun!

Teachers and volunteers took to social media to share with us.
Bonnie Duvall read “John Deere, That’s Who!” to first graders in Georgia.

Former National YF&R Committee member Jenna Bowers chose “How Did That Get in My Lunchbox?” as her accurate ag book to share.

Want more? Search #ReadAgBooks18 and #NationalReadABookDay on Twitter or Facebook and see how people celebrated.
Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing. We can’t wait to see you next year!