Education | Jun 02, 2016

STEM Game Teaches Students Where Peanut Butter Comes From

Operation Peanut Butter, the new My American Farm Game, tests students' math skills while teaching them where peanuts come from!

Peanut butter

We have partnered with the National Peanut Board, along with state peanut producer and industry organizations, to launch Operation Peanut Butter, a new My American Farm game geared for students in grades 3-5. Playing the Operation Peanut Butter game online allows students to follow peanuts from the field to the peanut butter on their sandwiches.

“While playing Operation Peanut Butter, students will have the chance to not only learn about the production of peanut butter, but also the value that peanut butter has as an ideal food to feed the hungry because of its protein content and long shelf life,” said Julie Tesch, executive director of the Foundation. “Along with the game, we’ve also created a lesson plan where students will get to dive deeper into the role peanuts play in the nitrogen cycle,” she added.

In addition to science, math and social science skills, students will also have the opportunity to enhance their English Language Arts skills by reading about peanuts while playing the game.

“We are proud to debut this educational online resource as an enjoyable way for children to learn where their food comes from. Discovering how peanuts are grown, harvested and processed connects us all to the nutritious and delicious qualities of peanuts and peanut butter,” said Cathy Johnson, marketing and communications associate at the National Peanut Board.  

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture was founded in 1967 and works to educate the public of the importance of agriculture and reconnect them with the people that grow their food through educational outreach and learning resources.

The National Peanut Board was founded in 2001 and is funded by America’s 7,000 peanut farming families. The board funds production research, stimulates new uses for U.S. grown peanuts and drives demand for the commodity.

The My American Farm educational resource is a special project of the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. The site and resources are made possible through the generous support of title sponsor, Corteva AgriScience. To take advantage of the free My American Farm resources, games and activities, visit

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