September is National Honey Month!
Learn all about honey and pollinators in honor of National Honey Month!

September is National Honey Month! Below are some fun ways to learn more about honey, bees and other pollinators.
First, watch this video about how bees make honey. Were you surprised by anything in the video?
Then, read this interview with a beekeeper! Before starting, create a KWL Chart (What I know, What I want to know, What I learned). Have children fill out “What I know” and “What I want to know” about beekeeping before reading. After completing reading the interview, have them fill out what they’ve learned.
Next, try out some of these fun activities:
- Read The Beeman. If you don’t have a copy, watch a read-aloud version like this. After reading, do this free vocabulary lesson sample from The Beeman Ed Guide.
- In this lesson from Minnesota Ag in the Classroom, learn about the different roles bees have in a hive and make your own “honey”!
- Play the My American Farm game “The Buzz”! This game teaches K-2 learners about bees and other pollinators.
- Hungry? In this Purple Plow Puzzler make a sweet treat using honey!