Education | Jun 02, 2017

Room 2 Grow a Summer STEM Challenge

Check out the newest Purple Plow Challenge - Room 2 Grow!

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The population of the world is increasing, but land available on the Earth is fixed. How can you contribute locally to solutions for these challenges? What type of growing structure could you create? Get a team together and design, build, and utilize a growing structure that can be used in your unique location or situation to help maximize the availability and access to food in this new Purple Plow challenge!

Room 2 Grow Challenge runs June 1 - August 1, 2017. It would be great for scout troops, youth groups, summer schools, year round schools, after school programs and more! Those in grades 5-8 are eligible to enter the challenge competition. 

Learn more about the challenge and download the facilitators' guide here. 

The Purple Plow  is a special project brought to you by The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture (AFBFA) and made possible through generous support of our title sponsor, Dupont Pioneer.

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