Education | Mar 10, 2021

Reading Books Online

You can read books aloud virtually! You just need to follow some rules.

Cropped read a farmer

 March 23rd is Ag Day! If your plans to go into a class and volunteer with a book have been canceled - you may be able to read virtually! If you read online there are some specific guidelines you must follow. They vary for each publisher.

Here is a list of permission pages from some of the biggest children’s book publishers and a few of our favorite ag books from them. Always double check where the book was published so you can be sure to follow the correct guidelines.

Albert Whitman Permission Page

Boyds Mill Kane Permission Page

Holiday House Permission Page

  • Gail Gibbons Books

Penguin Random House Permission Page

Feeding Minds Press Permission Page

Candlewick Permission Page

Macmillan Permission Page

If you have any questions about reading books or sharing content online please reach out to Julia Recko at  Stay safe!

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