Education | Dec 01, 2016

Preview our Awesome Live Auction Items!

We have some amazing auction items this year! Take a look!

Our live auction will take place at the 2017 Foundation Night Out Event! Proceeds benefit our ag literacy tools and programs. 

1. Drone & Software Package - Donated by Farm Bureau Financial Services




1 – DJI Matrice 100 Quad copter

1 – DJI Visual X3 Sensor

1 – DJI Multispectral Sensor

4 – DJI TB48 Batteries

A 1-year subscription of DataMapper Standard Cloud data storage and DataMapper InField software

DataMapper in-flight software Mobile App

1 – Professional travel case

The unit will come fully assembled and ready for use

The DJI Matrice 100 Quad is a multi-rotor copter with a flight time of approximately 25 minutes per fully charged battery.  With 4 batteries there is the capability for nearly 2 hours of flight time per work session. The unit has Waypoint-based flight path capability.  With both a visual and a multispectral sensor, the unit can take normal aerial pictures and video as well as multispectral imagery for crop scouting.  The InField desktop software allows you to view what your drone collected before leaving the survey areas.  You can view flight path coverage, add ground control points and more.  The 1-year subscription to DataMapper Standard includes 2D and 3D map processing, 11 crop analytic tools, and 150 GB of data storage

Value: $8,400

2. Peyton Manning signed helmet - Donated by Nationwide (Nationwide will be matching bids for this item!)



Value: Priceless!

3. Archie Manning signed jersey - Donated by Nationwide (Nationwide will be matching bids for this item!)


Value: Priceless!

4. Custom Handmade Paul Bond Cowboy Boots (made in the USA)  - Donated by AFBIS


photo just a sample, bidder can choose their own style

Details: Get handmade (in the USA!) custom cowboy boots up to $1500 from Paul Bond Boot Company 

Value: $1,500

5. Custom Painting by Michelle Weber

photo just a sample, bidder can choose their style

Details: Artist Michelle Weber will paint a custom piece of art just for you! 

Value: $1000

6. Five day car rental from Avis (Donated by Avis Rentals)


Value:  $250

Thank you to all of our sponsors and supporters who donated these items!

Help us get the word out about these awesome items! Please share this post! 

All proceeds from this live auction will go toward our ag literacy efforts. 

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