Harvesting Crops & Careers
Let 's learn about wheat! The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization has created an educational unit that familiarizes K-12 students with agricultural production, harvesting and careers.

Photo by: Laurie Link, Missouri
Let’s learn about wheat!
The National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization has created an educational unit that familiarizes K-12 students with agricultural production, harvesting and careers.
The seven lessons introduce students to new technologies and varied careers involved in producing and harvesting grain crops. The lessons are available for free here www.agclassroom.org/teacher/themes.htm
Lessons include:
‘Little Red Hen’s Harvest’ – K-2 grade students learn about the different jobs involved in producing a loaf of bread.
‘Enjoying the Harvest’ – 3rd-5th students read about the history and science of wheat and learn why wheat varieties are bred for different growing conditions.
‘Timing is Everything: The Crop Depends on the Weather’ - Middle school students play a game to determine how much wheat a section of land will yield based on a series of setbacks caused by weather, insects and other environmental factors.
‘Helping the Little Red Hen: Careers about Wheat Production’ - Middle and high school students learn about careers involved in wheat production, identify careers in which they’re interested and research to learn more about those careers.
‘Who Will Help Me Harvest the Wheat? Combines and Careers in Ag Mechanics’ - Middle and high school students read about the development and operation of a combine harvester, and learn about careers in agricultural mechanics.
‘Government Work: Agricultural Research, Education, Extension & Farm Support’ - Middle and high school students read about the history of government policy and legislation related to wheat research, education, extension and farm support and debate the role of government in these areas.
‘Sensors & Satellites: Careers & Technology in Agriculture’ - Middle and high school students discuss modern applications of electronics and sensors in wheat production and harvest, conduct an experiment to find infrared light and interpret satellite images as applied to farming.
For more information contact info@naitco.org.
Share these lessons with an educator you know!
These lessons were developed by the National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization with support from US Custom Harvesters (USCHI), New Holland and ConjoStudios LLC.