Go With the Flow STEM Lessons and Challenge
Spring 2020 Purple Plow Challenge Announced!

What is Purple Plow? : A STEM challenge for students. Free lesson plans, activities, and judging rubric included!
What is the spring challenge?: How can we improve the quality of our runoff and, in turn, reduce dead zones in our water resources?
How can you participate?: Students grades 5-12 create teams to research the question, come up with a solution, build a model solution, and report on their findings. Then submit a report.
When: Contest ends May 15th!
What else? Interested in the runoff topic? Check out these activities called Purple Plow Puzzlers! Puzzlers include: Natural Filtration, Water Ways, Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens and Save Our Dead Zones! Puzzlers are at the bottom of this page.
Finally - Help us Spread the word!
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Go with the Flow! New Purple Plow Challenge for grades 5-12.
When rain falls or snow melts, it does not simply stay in one place or seep into the ground to replenish groundwater; most of it begins to move. In this challenge, students will learn about the impact of runoff in rural and urban areas and its effects on the environment as well as plan for solutions to this growing issue of dead zones, hypoxia, and overall water quality. Learn more about how your school can take part in the challenge: https://www.purpleplow.org/challenges/go-with-the-flow