Ag Education

Agricultural education teaches students about agriculture, food and natural resources.

Ag literacy volunteer
Education | Apr 11, 2016

Celebrating Volunteers

We will be celebrating ag literacy volunteers all year by adding more stories to this article! Thank you to everyone who goes out there and helps educate about agriculture!

Green pepper
Education | Mar 15, 2016

Great Greens! A Festive Foods List

We are seeing green! Read about where some of our favorite green foods come from. Perfect for the start of spring! Includes book recommendations, videos and more.

Lisl cranberries book 1020
Education | Feb 29, 2016

The Gifts of Strangers

What do strangers, cranberries, and beef have in common? Author of Time for Cranberries & participant in the On the Farm Author Experience, Lisl Detlefsen writes about being inspired to share the story of agriculture with others.

Education | Jan 29, 2016

6 Breakfast Foods and Where They Began

Where do eggs come from? How are corn flakes made? How do oranges go from grove to glass? How is sap turned into syrup? Article includes lesson plans, videos and more!

Education | Jan 20, 2016

Monticello's Gardener talks TJ, Peas, & School Gardens

Teachers! Volunteers! Parents! Read & get inspired about history and agriculture! Article includes links to free elementary school lesson plans, book recommendations, Thomas Jefferson recipes and more!

Pillars roman
Education | Sep 20, 2015

Pillars in Practice an Ag Literacy Tool

In Minnesota, the 4-H Science of Agriculture Challenge is using the Pillars of Ag Literacy to help steer students in the right direction. We interviewed Joshua Rice, assistant Extension professor, about this project.

Education | Sep 20, 2015

A Story of Ag Literacy

Because of you, nearly 2,000 1st through 5th graders in Franklin County, VA, know a lot more about the foods that grow right in their own county.

Twitter beef
Education | Sep 14, 2015

‘All About Beef’ STEM App Game Now Available

Free STEM game app helps players understand cattle ranching & different cuts of meat while reinforcing math and nutrition knowledge and skills.

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Education | Aug 27, 2015

5 Answers to "How Did That Get in My Lunchbox?"

How does string cheese string? Do bananas grow on trees? Find out where some of your lunchtime favorites originated.

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Education | Jul 15, 2015

Your Donations Make a Difference

This is a report from a White-Reinhardt mini-grant recipient. Mini-grants are given to state and county Farm Bureaus to start or enhance ag literacy programs, like the one below. Donations fund these grants.