At Home Learning March 8
There are a lot of important agriculturists who have made a difference in the world of farming. In honor of Women's History Month, this week let 's learn about Dr. Temple Grandin!

Welcome to our At Home Learning Page!
We will do our best to offer weekly ideas for at home learning about agriculture!
These activities will all be free to access and share. Our weekly activities do not build on each other, but are individual and can be done in any order.
There are a lot of important agriculturists who have made a difference in the world of farming.
In honor of Women's History Month, this week let’s learn about Dr. Temple Grandin!
"TED 2010 Temple Grandin" by redmaxwell is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0
Do some research about Dr. Grandin before we jump into activities. This article is a good starting place. Was there anything surprising you learned?
Read "The Girl Who Thought In Pictures." If you don 't have a copy, or just want to watch it being read, this is a great read aloud version.
After reading the book, design your own habitat to keep an animal comfortable! (Inspired by this lesson.)
Temple Grandin was a pioneer in creating humane livestock handling systems. In this activity from Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom, make your own curved cattle chute! Find it here (Activity 3).
Bonus: Watch this video of Dr. Grandin reading another book about her, "Temple Did It, I Can Too!"