Education | Dec 14, 2016

A Letter from President Zippy Duvall

"I hope you will look "close to home" and think about how important agriculture and agricultural literacy are to the future of our nation and our industry."

Zippy Duvall

At this time of year, many of us consider making year-end donations to causes that are near and dear to us. There are many worthy causes that compete for our year-end dollars, but there are few that have as direct a connection to what we do as farmers and ranchers as the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. The Foundation sows seeds of knowledge by producing agricultural literacy materials for educators and students. We sow those seeds in the hope that young people will grow into informed consumers who understand the importance of agriculture and how and why farmers and ranchers do what they do—consumers who will be inoculated against the spreading virus of misinformation.

The Foundation uses the following programs and activities to educate about agriculture:

  • My American Farm—an online educational game tool
  • White-Reinhardt Mini-Grants―grants to county and state Farm Bureaus for ag literacy projects
  • Scholarships for teachers to participate in the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference
  • The accurate ag books program, the Book of the Year and lesson plans
  • Volunteer kits for classroom engagement
  • Urban outreach events

These education programs and tools reach children and demonstrate the many ways agriculture nourishes their families, their communities and their country. Any donation, no matter how small, helps us create these materials and get them into the hands of educators and students.

As you consider where to invest your year-end donation dollars, I hope you will look “close to home” and think about how important agriculture and agricultural literacy are to the future of our nation and our industry. Please make a donation to the American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture and join us in seeding the future of agriculture, so we can grow together.

Zippy Duvall,

Chairman, AFBFA

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