8 Accurate Ag Books You May Have Missed in 2023
Did you see these?

Farm Boots – A joyful look at rural life, this book shows off many kinds of farms, farming families, and chores on the farm. It is a unique look at the seasons on a farm and the work and care farmers and ranchers do during the year. Get the ed guide to accompany it!

Potatoes for Pirate Pearl – A great example of a commodity-specific accurate ag book, PEARL shows readers how potatoes are planted, grown, harvested, cooked, and enjoyed. Extensive back matter, including how to grow your own potatoes, makes it a classroom-friendly read. Get the ed guide to accompany it!

My Grandpa My Tree and Me – A heartwarming look at a modern family-owned pecan farm and the 2024 Book of the Year. Get the ed guide to accompany it!

Logan’s Greenhouse – A different take on a garden book, Logan’s Greenhouse’s location makes this garden book unique. It offers younger readers a look at a variety of veggies and veggie facts, including how they grow. Fun and colorful pictures are engaging. Make your own mini greenhouse.

Buzzing with Questions – An inspiring story of a boy who beats the odds to follow his dreams and his curiosity to learn more about insects. The story will inspire young readers to learn more about insects and to follow their own curiosity. Here are some fun ideas for pollinator activities.

Apple Pie Picnic – Apples are always a win with young readers. This book offers a fun new look at growing apples by incorporating Spanish vocabulary words. Search free lessons about apples from the National Ag in the Classroom website.

Every Little Seed- While this book can be seen as another seed life cycle book, it offers a unique perspective of the cyclical life of many plants and encourages readers to grow their own. There is great potential for additional learning resources to accompany it. It is also beautifully written and makes a good read-aloud. For an additional resource, check out the Jr. Sprout Gardening booklet from the VA AITC.

Soul Food Sunday – This book has a food focus. It offers an opportunity in lesson plans and additional learning to discuss where different foods come from or nutrition, like this lesson from the Midwest Food Connection on leafy greens.
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