Mi manzano / My Apple Tree
by David Baur
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
by Elaine Landau
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
by Jacqueline Farmer
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
The Berry Book
by Gail Gibbons
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
2025 Book of the Year!
The Soil in Jackie's Garden
Peggy Thomas & Neely Dagget
California Grapes
by Karen Adler
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
From Apples to Applesauce
by Kristin Thoennes Keller
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
From Fruit to Jelly
by Shannon Zemlicka
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
From Oranges to Orange Juice
by Kristin Thoennes Keller
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
From Pit to Peach Tree
by Ellen Weiss
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
From Shoot to Apple
by Stacy Taus-Bolstad
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
by Lynn M. Stone
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
Hooray for Orchards!
by Bobbie Kalman
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
How Do Apples Grow
by Betsy Maestro
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
I Like Berries
by Jennifer Julius
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
I Like Oranges
by Robin Pickering
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
My Apple Tree
by David Baur
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
From Wheat to Bread
by Stacy Taus-Bolstad
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
Picking Apples and Pumpkins
by Amy and Richard Hutchings
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
The Story of Orange Juice
by Lisa Trumbauer
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
Tall and Tasty: Fruit Trees
by Meredith Sayles Hug
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
Up, Up, Up! Its Apple-Picking Time
by Jody Fickes Shapiro
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
We Love Fruit
by Fay Robinson
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
What's for Lunch, Banana
by Pam Robson
Pre K - 3rd
A Visit to the Apple Orchard
by Patricia J. Murphy
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd
Eating the Alphabet: Fruits & Vegetables from A to Z
by Lois Ehlert
Pre K - 3rd
The Fresh Tastes from the Garden State
by Carol Byrd-Bredbenner
9th - 12th
How Plants Grow
by National Geographic Learning, Alfredo Schifini
Pre K - 3rd
The True History of Chocolate
by Sophie Coe and Michael Coe
9th - 12th
Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom
by Liam O'Donnell
Pre K - 3rd
50 Words About Plants
by David and Patricia Armentrout
Pre K - 3rd
by Eric Treuille
Food, Fiber & Energy
9th - 12th
From Wheat to Bread
by Kristin Thoennes Keller
Food, Fiber & Energy
Pre K - 3rd