Ten things that didn't make you think "farm" until now
You may think about cows or veggies when you hear the word "farm." Let's explore 10 things that you may be surprised to learn started on a farm!

You may think about cows or veggies when you hear the word "farm." Let's explore 10 things that you may be surprised to learn started on a farm!
1. Jeans
Jeans might be the most popular pants product, but did you know they came from a plant? Cotton is used to make jeans.
Watch how it’s done or read about it with the Cotton Ag Mag!
2. Maple Syrup
Maple syrup comes from trees on a maple tree farm. Yes, farm! The process is called "sugaring." Learn more about the sugaring process in this interview with Eugenie Doyle, author of Sleep Tight Farm.
Watch how it's done or read about it with students.
3. Beer
Wait, beer comes from a farm too!?
Without farms there would be no hops and without hops, no beer. This farm product is for adults only!
Watch how it's done!
4. Bioplastics
Most plastics are made from petroleum, but bioplastics are made from things like sugarcane, wheat and corn!
This video explores how corn is made into plastic and this free downloadable Corn Ag Mag explores some other great things corn can be used for.
5. Lumber
From paper to wood tables to hardwood floors – think tree farm.
Read about it with students!
6. Fish
Fish aren’t all caught from the ocean or lakes. Some fish are farmed, like tilapia.
Watch how it's done or read about it with students.
7. Footballs
Although it is often referred to as the “pigskin” footballs are usually made from cowhide.
Read more here and here.
8. Crayons
Soybeans can be made in to many products including colorful crayons! Soybeans are grown all over the U.S!
Get some here! Or Read more about soybeans here.
9. Toothpaste
This one might seem super strange, but there is corn in your toothpaste!
Read more.
10. Christmas Trees
Christmas trees are grown on farms. You can go cut one down yourself during the season (and usually get some apple cider donuts too! Yum.)
Check out our interview with a real Christmas tree farmer!
BONUS: Sugar
Yes you know about sugarcane, but did you know that since the mid-1990s, sugarcane has accounted for about 45 percent of the total sugar produced domestically, and sugar beets for about 55 percent of production*USDA
That's right - sugar beets! Learn all about sugar beet harvest in this video.
The point is….Agriculture is everywhere!
There are lots of different kinds of farms across the United States that grow many different products for us. Agriculture is part of your daily life.
Curious about how more things grow? Check out 7 things that grow...how? to be amazed!